Video Marketing – What Are You Truly Selling in Your Videos?

Posted: April 8, 2015 in Uncategorized

Official Corefact Blog


Video marketing is still a relatively new concept for many real estate professionals. While video marketing is generally thought of as a way of highlighting an agent’s property listings, there is a drastically missed opportunity when a video only shows a home.  Why not let potential buyers see the person behind the sale? Why not infuse your personality, skills, and expertise into something clients will always remember? If you are looking for a way to reach the masses and let people know who you are and how good you are at your job, it is time to get out your camera.


So what does a stellar marketing video need to include?  While you should always be professional, you also want to stand out from the crowd by showing your personality… what makes you “YOU”?   If you are new to making videos, start with an outline and plan what message you…

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